Best Hydraulic Fittings Supplier

15 Years Manufacturing Experience

NWD Technology Fittings

NWD Technology Fittings are a high-quality product that is not commonly produced by factories in China. We pride ourselves on strictly adhering to the American standard JIC 37 in ISO 8434-2, which is a widely recognized industry standard for hydraulic fittings.

We have increased the sealing performance of our fittings by incorporating an O-ring into the design, which provides a more effective seal against leaks and spills. We have also enhanced the shock resistance of our fittings, making them more durable and reliable in extreme conditions.

Our commitment to quality and performance is evident in the outstanding sealing performance and perfect shock resistance of our NWD Technology Fittings. With Sannke, you can be confident that you are getting the very best in hydraulic fittings and that your machinery and equipment will operate at maximum efficiency and reliability.